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The Method describes the mapping of query-document pairs to a ranking score.The metadata information about the Method should include if the run is automatic or manual, i.e., derived with or without a human-in-the-loop approach, and information regarding the indexing and retrieval. While the indexing is usually composed of several processing steps including tokenization, stemming, and stopword removal, the retrieval method assigns scores between a query and a document. Modern retrieval pipelines are often realized in the form of a multi-stage ranking that is supported by our metadata schema as well. If an additional ranking method reranks the output of a previous retrieval method, it can be reported by the reranks entry that refers to the name of the previous method. Likewise, it is possible to report interpolated scores.


  • methodautomatic
    Description: Boolean value indicating if it is a automatic (true) or manual (false) run.
    Type: Scalar
    Encoding: Boolean; !!bool.
  • methodscore ties
    Description: Name or description of the method used to break score ties in the ranking.
    Type: Scalar
    Encoding: UTF-8 encoded string of characters (RFC3629); !!str.
    Naming convention: (reverse) alphabetical order, external collection
  • methodindexingtokenizer
    Description: Name of the tokenizer. If available, it can be reported by the class in the software package (see example below).
    Type: Scalar
    Encoding: UTF-8 encoded string of characters (RFC3629); !!str.
  • methodindexingstemmer
    Description: Name of the stemmer. If possible, the stemmer should be reported by the class name in the software package (see example below). If this is not possible, it should meet the naming conventions below.
    Type: Scalar
    Encoding: UTF-8 encoded string of characters (RFC3629); !!str.
    Naming convention: Porter, Krovetz, Lovins, Snowball, n-grams, ...
  • methodindexingstopwords
    Description: Name of the stopword list. If possible, the stopword list should be reported by the resource name in the software package or by an URI (see example below). If this is not possible, it should meet the naming conventions below, e.g., by naming the corresponding retrieval toolkit.
    Type: Scalar
    Encoding: UTF-8 encoded string of characters (RFC3629); !!str.
    Naming convention: Indri, Lucene, Smart, Terrier, ...
  • methodretrieval
    Description: The retrieval approach is documented by a sequence of mappings, where each mapping represents one component of a ranking pipeline, i.e., it is also possible to report multi-stage ranking pipelines by referring to previous ranking stages.
    Type: Sequence of mappings; !!seq [!!map, !!map, ...].
  • methodretrievalname
    Description: Name of the ranking stage component.
    Type: Scalar
    Encoding: UTF-8 encoded string of characters (RFC3629); !!str.
    Naming convention: bm25, rm3, ax (axiomatic reranking), piv (pivoted normalization method), dir (Dirichlet prior method), monobert
  • methodretrievalmethod
    Description: Class name of the retrieval method.
    Type: Scalar
    Encoding: UTF-8 encoded string of characters (RFC3629); !!str.
  • methodretrievalparams
    Description: Parameter(s) of the retrieval method. Depending on the parameter, a single mapping is defined by the parameter name and a decimal integer or floating number.
    Type: Scalar
    Encoding: A decimal integer or floating point number; !!int or !!float.
  • methodretrievalreranks
    Description: Name of the component whose output will be reranked.
    Type: Scalar
    Encoding: UTF-8 encoded string of characters (RFC3629); !!str.
  • methodretrievalinterpolates
    Description: Name of the component whose output will be reranked.
    Type: Sequence of scalars; !!seq.
    Encoding: UTF-8 encoded string of characters (RFC3629); !!str.
  • methodretrievalweight
    Description: Interpolation weight.
    Type: Scalar
    Encoding: A decimal integer or floating point number; !!int or !!float.


  automatic: true
    tokenizer: org.apache.lucene.analysis.en.StandardTokenizer
    stemmer: org.apache.lucene.analysis.en.PorterStemFilter
    stopwords: org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer.STOP_WORDS_SET
  - name: bm25
    b: 0.4
    k1: 0.9
  - name: axiomatic reranker
    method: io.anserini.rerank.lib.AxiomReranker
    rerankCutoff: 20
    axiom.deterministic: true
    reranks: bm25
  - name: lr reranker
    method: sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression
    reranks: axiomatic reranker
  - name: svm reranker
    method: sklearn.svm.SVC
    reranks: axiomatic reranker
  - name: lgb reranker
    method: lightgbm
    reranks: axiomatic reranker
  - name: ensemble
    - lr reranker
    - svm reranker
    - lgb reranker
  - name: interpolation
    weight: 0.6
    - axiomatic reranker
    - ensemble